My very first Blog award! (and the procrastination that followed)

Blog Award

So NearlyWes nominated me for the Liebster award. Thank you Wes, you wonderful human being. Also, his blog tops the list of blogs that I follow religiously (because he’s so darn funny). So I guess you have to follow him, ‘cos laughter makes you live longer and you know you want to stay alive at least until they discover them Space bunnies. Right?



  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  2. Display the Liebster Award on your blog
  3. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  4. Answer the 11 questions you were asked.
  5. Nominate 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers for the Award and have them answer 11 questions.
  6. Let the other bloggers know you’ve nominated them.
  7. Copy the rules into your post.


11 Random facts about me

Disclaimer: Please don’t stop being friends with me after you read this

  1. I chew my food in the left side of my mouth.
    I have a massive cavity on my molars in the right side which I have left untreated for a year because of my irrational fear of dentists. Oops!
  2. ‘Foster’s Home for Imaginary friends’ is my most favorite cartoon ever.
  3. I’m afraid of the dark because you never know what might be lurking in there. I just like to be cautious.
  4. I absolutely HATE surprises
  5. I dislike Chinese food. Too much dark slippery sauce!
  6. When I was young, I honestly thought I could change the world but gave that thought up once I joined B school
  7. I might be somewhere in between an introvert and a sociopath.
  8. Baskin Robbins Mint Chocolate chip ice cream is my ultimate go-to food for every situation. Whether I’m happy, sad, in pain, too sleepy, too bored..anything.
  9. I am the ultimate procrastinator, which explains me putting up this post 3 days after I got nominated for the award. Ha-ha!
  10. It took me 3 hours to write this blog post. I’m not slow, perfection takes time.
  11. I am eagerly counting down days until my birthday, which is on Christmas eve! (thought I should just throw that in there)

My 11 Answers

  1. What is your favorite book/manga/comic?
    ‘God of Small Things’ by Arundhati Roy.
  2. What’s your favorite animal?
    Hamsters. For now.
  3. When you were a kid, what did you want to be?
    An astronaut. So that I could check if the moon was really made of cheese 😉
  4. If you could only drink one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    Plain old water. Because once I suffered from an anxiety attack after having too many expressos. (Told you I was cautious)
  5. What show/anime/cartoon/movie do you wish you could forget, just so you could watch it again for the first time?
  6. Truth or Dare?
    Dare. Evil chuckle
  7. What would be your dream job?
    Editor of my own lifestyle magazine
  8. What inspires you?
    This is a toughie. Life inspires me? Honestly, I don’t know how to answer this.
  9. If you had to open a box that held your deepest fear, what would be in it?
    That creepy dude from Saw.
  10. If Make A Wish Foundation approached you and offered you a wish, what would it be?
    To give free education to all the little kids in India who cannot afford it.
  11. If you could live in any other world (ex. Hogwarts, Middle Earth, Pokémon) which would you choose?
    Willy Wonka’s Chocolate factory

My Nominees

Disclaimer: Few of my favorite bloggers have already received this award so I have purposefully excluded them from the list.

Side Note: This Liebster award thing is really going around huh. Everyone has one already!



My 11 questions

  1. What is the one thing/ person in the world you cannot live without?
  2. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  3. Who is your movie/ series/ cartoon/ book alter ego?
  4. Are you badass? (Okay. This is a trick question)
  5. What is the song you are listening to right now?
  6. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
  7. Chocolate or red velvet?
  8. Share the last thing that you found profoundly hilarious
  9. What is your biggest life secret? (gotcha)
  10. What is the one thing people find annoying about you?
  11. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

My work here is done. Will be looking forward to all of your blog posts.
Until next time, keep cha-chaing!